Word Game Puzzle Answers

Here are the answers to the Word Game Puzzles.

  1. What is the longest word in the dictionary, with all of the letters different?

    In the small dictionary, the longest word with all letters different is 'ambidextrously', which has 14 letters.

    In the large dictionary, there are two such words, each of fifteen letters - 'dermatoglyphics' and 'uncopyrightable'.

  2. What is the highest amount of one letter found in a word?

    In the small dictionary this is the mimimal superword: aaaabbbcccdddeeeeefffgggghhhiiiiiijkkllllmmmnnnnnoooopppqrrrrssssssttttuuuuvvwwxyyyzz; that is, these are the maximum counts for each letter: a - 4, b - 3, c - 3, d - 3, e - 5, f - 3, g - 4, h - 3, i - 6, j - 1, k - 2, l - 4, m - 3, n - 5 (as in inconveniencing), o - 4, p - 3, q - 1, r - 4, s - 6, t - 4, u - 4, v - 2, w - 2, x - 1, y - 3 (as in synonymously), z - 2.

    That means that the highest amount of one letter found in a word is 6, and this letter might be i (as in indivisibility) or s (as in possessiveness and senselessness).

    In the large dictionary this is the mimimal superword: aaaaabbbbccccccddddeeeeeeffffgggghhhhiiiiiiiiijjjjkkkklllllmmmmnnnnnoooooooooppppqqrrrrrssssssssttttttuuuuuvvvwwwxxyyyyzzzzzz; that is, these are the maximum counts for each letter: a - 5, b - 4, c - 6 (as in pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis), d - 4, e - 6, f - 4, g - 4, h - 4, i - 9, j - 4 (as in jejunojejunostomy), k - 4, l - 5, m - 4, n - 5, o - 9, p - 4, q - 2, r - 5, s - 8(as in possessionlessness), t - 6, u - 5(as in untumultuous), v - 3, w - 3, x - 2, y - 4, z - 6(as in zenzizenzizenzic).

    That means that the highest amount of one letter found in a word is 9, and this letter might be i (as in floccinaucinihilipilification) or o (as in pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis).

  3. What is the longest word that can be found using only the top row of a QWERTY keyboard (i.e. 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o' and 'p')?

    In the small dictionary, there are 226 words that can be found using only the top row of a QWERTY keyboard. The longest words have 10 letters in them and there are 4 of them: perpetuity, proprietor, repertoire, typewriter.

    In the large dictionary, there are 1825 words that can be found using only the top row of a QWERTY keyboard. The longest words have 11 letters in them and there are 4 of them: outputpower, powerturret, proprietory, rupturewort.

  4. What are the words that can be found using only Roman Numerals (i.e. 'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D' and 'M')?

    In the small dictionary there are 14 words that only use Roman Numerals: CIVIC, CIVIL, DID, DILL, DIM, ILL, LID, LIVID, MID, MILD, MILL, MIMIC, MIX, VIVID.

    In the large dictionary there are 67 such words; the longest 13 words of length 5, 6 and 7 are: CIMICIC, CIVIC, CIVIL, IDILI, ILICIC, IMIDIC, IMMIX, LICLI, LIVID, MIDIL, MIMIC, VILLI, VIVID.

  5. What are the words that can be found, which do not use the 5 major vowels (i.e. 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o' and 'u')?

    In the small dictionary there are 33 such words: by, cry, crypt, cyst, cysts, dry, dryly, fly, fry, gypsy, hymn, hymns, lymph, lynch, lynx, my, myth, nymph, nymphs, ply, pry, psych, pygmy, rhythm, rhythms, shy, shyly, sky, sly, slyly, spy, try, why.

    In the large dictionary there are 693 such words; the longest 12 words of length 8 and 9 are: byrynnyn, drysnyng, kyrymyry, kytylyng, mwrthrys, pyggysny, scrymppys, scyrmyssh, stryncht, styrlyng, sydlyngs, symphysy.

  6. What is the longest word in this dictionary?

    The longest word in the small dictionary is antidisestablishmentarianism and it contains 28 letters.

    The longest word in the large dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and it contains 45 letters.

Last revised April 2006